Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Bottom Slim | Slim your Bottom? Ways to Slim Naturally!

how to slim bottom,bottom slim

Slim your Bottom? Ways to Slim Naturally!

If you really want to lose weight and do not want to follow those diet pills, or low calories diets, yuk! What are you going to do? How to slim bottom? What bottom slim ways are there for you to follow?

Why not slim naturally? The key to losing weight is to learn to grow with healthy foods and habits gradually.

There are several ways in which you can do this...

1. Eat more meals a day, up to 5 or 6 times rather than 3 big heavy meals. Your system will then be able to break up your food and fluids consistently, rather than heavy meals where you overload your digestive systems and in the end, it puts the remaining food into fats!

Moreover, the body will see many meals as a fuller tummy, and hence you will actually start to take less!

2. Drink as much water as possible to keep hydrated. When you are not hydrated, you will also feel hungry!

3. Eat more fruits whenever you can! When you do this, it also fills up your stomach and makes you full. Cause there is more fibers in fruits, the end result is a healthy slim down you!

4. Eat slowly and chew! you must chew your food thoroughly so as to make yourself think you are fuller. It works.

5. Eat smaller portions. Doing this will eliminate those binging days! You will also lose weight naturally! What a great how to slim bottom therapy!

6. Drink less sugared drinks. Have your food lust for one meal and thereafter, just take water and more water!

In a short period of one year, you should see some results! 

Still cannot wait for so long a time? Why not come down to our slimming professionals in our bottom slim Singapore outlets and they will get you your perfect figure fast!

Click here now =>

Cheers to a slim bottom!

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